Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Working out the Differences - Christmas Ideas 2010!!!

Three different versions for possible Christmas designs, 
currently working on for this year 2010.  These are the 
preliminary drawings using sharpie markers and photo shop
finished. Hope to enlarge these ideas into full scale 
watercolors, pastels or colored pencil drawings.  

Look for these new designs on greeting cards and 
other merchandise soon at our online store at: 

Live Deliberately!   ~Maleko

Friday, August 20, 2010


This design was inspired by the movie poster from the movie western 'Unforgiven' starring Clint Eastwood.  In the original poster he was holding a revolver behind his back wearing a long dark overcoat set against a dark black background.  The movies theme takes on the often violent nature of man.  

I took that image and wondered what it might look like from the opposite perspectiveThus the man is portrayed against a light yellowish background in a white coat bordered in red holding a cross rather than a pistol  to symbolize the power of faith, love and forgiveness

(Watercolor pencils, 8x10 inches. 1401b cold press paper - copyright 2008, MalekoArts)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Power of an Idea

Sometimes the ideas come with a power so fully alive 
and engrossing that you are swept along with it.  
The vision it creates is so overwhelming specific that 
you dare not refuse to follow where it may lead.

"The wind in your ears blocks out all traces of doubt
and questions about the path you must now pedal." 

Your soul is afire, you mind fully engaged, your body 
tingles with anticipation and fear of the unknown only 
adds to the certainty that this is your destiny and who 
you were created to be and the purpose for you life.

My prayer and hope is that each individual finds this 
path to follow for their life.  I believe if we all find and 
follow that idea and dream for which God purposed 
for us we will truly become alive in this life and that is 
what this world needs is people who have come alive.

(The above drawing depicts the speed and power generated by the human body 
as the background is blurred with the illusion of movement.  This was done using 
Conte pastel crayons with a photo shop border added and a black flood fill within 
the border, 8x6 inches on white paper, copyright 2010, MalekoArts)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Looking at things Unseen! What do you See?

...while we look not at the things which are seen
but at the things which are not seen ;

 for the things which are seen are temporal, 
but the things which are not seen are eternal. 

~2 Corinthians 4:18 (NASB)

Please share your comments on what you see, I know what I see 
in this painting but am curious what it might say to others, thanks!

(The bottom design is the original abstract watercolor painting done in 2008 on cold press paper, 11 x14, and then using photo shop the top design is colorized in sepia tones with a torn border and defined by a black flood fill.  The middle design is the negative image of the top design.  Enjoy, Maleko ~August 2010)