Saturday, February 19, 2011

Random Thoughts on the Creative Process

Is the creative process eternal or temporal?

Where does it begin?

Does it exist outside of time? 

Can we grab hold of it and pull it into time?

Or does the process begin with us?

Is it mortal or immortal?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Art and the Kalam Cosmological Argument

"Majestic Fires" 
The 'kalam cosmological argument' is an argument for the existence of God.  The word kalam means 'speech' or 'doctrine' in Arabic and began with Muslim theologians who believed in creation. The most famous Muslim proponent was al-Ghazali who lived from 1058-1111.  Kalam came to characterize the whole medieval movement in Islamic theology  during this time period and eventually got passed back into Latin-speaking Christendom through Jewish thinkers who lived side by side with Muslim theologians.  

The kalam argument has three simple steps - 

Step 1 - Whatever begins to exist has a cause
Step 2 - The universe began to exist
Step 3 - Therefore, the universe has a cause

I began to think about this argument from the viewpoint of proving the existence of art and/or the creative process.  A fruitless endeavor?  Perhaps, but entertaining and interesting none the less.  Below is what I have come up with so far.
  1. What begins as a thought is a gift
  2. Art begins with a thought
  3. Therefore art is gift
  1. What begins as a vision can become reality
  2. Art begins with a vision
  3. Therefore art portrays reality
  1. What begins as an idea is true
  2. Art begins as an idea
  3. Therefore art is true
Can you come up with any others related to art?  Or other things?  Post your comments below!

"Majestic Fires" 24x18 Acrylics (Painted using no brushes)
©Maleko 2011)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is the Artist Within , Portrayed Within the Art?

Is who you truly are reflected in your art?

Do you let your art speak for you and hid behind it?

Are images in your art hints of what & who you wish to be? 

Is the artist inside the same as shown on the outside to the world?

Images © Maleko 

Is your life an artistic statement, a creative work, a tribute?  
A reflection of the creative genius of the creator?